
Creative Writing | Workshop

From : 25/04/2022 To : 01/05/2022
Start time : 10:00 AM End time : 11:00 AM

Theatre Group : NCPA Theater
Faculty : Shabnam Minwalla
Venue : Little Theatre Foyer, NCPA
Creative Writing | Workshop
Age Group: 8 - 13 years

Conductor: Shabnam Minwalla

Creating a short story can be compared to a spot of sorcery. You toss disparate ingredients together and make something magical. In this workshop, we will look at all that goes into writing fiction. Then we will choose our ingredients, characters, setting and plot - stir them together with loads of imagination and come up with our very own stories with lots of fun and enjoyment.

Theatre Workshop Fees : ₹4130

Important Note : Mumbai Theatre Guide takes no responsibility for outcome of theatre workshops. Interested participants may attend them at their own discretion.

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